Sunday, September 21, 2008
Duck Confit

Recently it seems that the food presented on this blog leans in the direction of French cuisine, but I assure that you that this is not how I really approach decision-making in the kitchen. Sure, I am often swayed by cultural influences, curious combinations and new techniques; however, it is not my goal to continue to exhalt French cuisine, whatever that is.

The following recipe requires for four duck legs, but you can also try boneless duck breasts, rabbit, chicken or the shoulder of pork, as Judy Rodgers recommends in The Zuni Cafe Cookbook. Instead of leaving the meat dusted in salt for 18-24 hours, my angelheart Eric and I left it only for 12 hours because we out the duck legs through a marinating process that is not typical of most confit preparations. This is one of the many reasons my angelheart Eric and I adore Kate Fay and Jeremy Turner of Cibo and R'ce fame.
Duck Confit
(Adapted from Kate Fay and Jeremy Turner's Cibo: Food with Attitude)
4 duck legs
5 tablespoons sea salt
duck fat (rendered to cover the duck legs during cooking, approximately 620ml/21oz)
1/2 yellow onion, peeled and chopped
6 cloves of garlic
1 orange
1 tablespoon juniper berries, crushed
2 tablespoons dried marjoram
4 dried bay leaves
1 tablespoon black cracked pepper
2 teaspoons five spice powder
1 tablespoon Szechuan peppercorns, crushed
1) Coat the legs with sea salt (1 1/4 tablespoons per leg) and leave overnight, 12 hours' minimum, 18-24 hours for optimal result. Regarding the salt, in the magnificent The Zuni Cafe Cookbook, Judy Rodgers' experience has led her to recommend 2 tablespoons per pound of meat. It is the salt curing that preserves the duck legs.
2) Remove the salt by washing it off under a stream of cold water.
3) Pat the legs dry with paper towels.

5) Coat the duck legs in spice mixture, cover and refrigerate for 12 hours.
6) Preheat oven to 120 C/250F.
7) Place the legs in a roasting pan with the marinade.
8) Squeeze the juice of one orange and sprinkle sliced orange peel over the legs.
9)Cover with melted duck fat. It is important that the duck meat is fully immersed in the fat.
10) Cover the pan with tinfoil and cook the duck legs for 2 1/2 hours, or until the meat is coming away from the bone.
11) Allow the duck legs and fat to cool before refrigerating overnight or until it is time to eat them. Again, ensure that the duck fat conceals the duck legs if you are going to leave in the refrigerator for more than 1-2 days (and especially if you are going to leave for months).
12) To reheat, bring meat out at least one hour prior to cooking so that meat can be loosened from solidified fat, if one is not going to cook all the meat. Preheat oven to 180 C/355 F, then cook for 20 minutes. Lightly pat duck legs with paper towel and brush off residual marinade and orange peel prior to serving.

This appears to be a year of crossing culinary firsts off the list, thanks to my angelheart Eric. I'd love to know what culinary firsts you have or plan to attempt this year.
P.S. Thank you to Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict for the Yum-yum Blog Award. It is a delight to receive such recognition from a fellow blogger whose work I admire and whose friendship I enjoy. In the generous nature of this award, I would like to share the world of Christina at A Thinking Stomach. Christina's insightful prose on garden-keeping elevates it to an art form, as opposed to keeping a garden for sheer subsistence.
Labels: confit, duck, French, Kate Fay and Jeremy Turner, technique